Sharifullin Farit Azatovich

Sharifullin Farit Azatovich, born July 27, 1988, lived in Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. Married, has two children. Higher education, design engineer. On charges of committing crimes under Part 1 of Article 205.5 ("Organisation of the activities of a terrorist organisation", liable to up to life imprisonment"), Part 1 of Article 205.1 ("Inducement, recruitment or other involvement in terrorist activity, financing of terrorism", liable to up to 15 years' imprisonment"), Part 4 of Article 327 ("Acquisition, storage, transportation of a knowingly counterfeit certificate granting rights committed with the purpose of concealing another crime or facilitating its commission", liable to up to 4 years' imprisonment") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he was sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment in a strict regime colony. The appellate court upheld the sentence. Deprived of liberty since February 21, 2020.