Gashimova Ulkyar Asemovna

Article of the Criminal Code:
Gashimova Ulkyar Asemovna
Gashimova Ulkyar Asemovna, born on August 23, 1999, resident of the city of Derbent, Republic of Dagestan, opposition views. Studied at the music college in the faculty of choral conducting, but was expelled due to statements against the war with Ukraine in 2022, after which she worked in a cafe in Derbent until her arrest. On October 7, 2024, she was sentenced under Part 2 of Article 205.2 ("Public calls for terrorist activity on the Internet") and Part 2 of Article 280 ("Public calls for extremism on the Internet") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to 4 years and 6 months in a general regime colony. Deprived of liberty since May 2, 2023.