Dzhumaev Said-Mukhamad Said-Akhmadovich (Markhiev Mikail Mikhailovich)

Article of the Criminal Code:

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Dzhumaev Said-Mukhamad Said-Akhmadovich (Markhiev Mikail Mikhailovich)

Dzhumaev Said-Mukhamad Said-Akhmadovich (for family reasons, he changed his full name in his passport to Markhiev Mikail Mikhailovich), born January 15, 2000. Resident of Moscow. Student at Moscow State University. Sentenced under Part 1 of Article 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Use of violence that is not dangerous to health against a government official") to 5 years in a general regime penal colony.
Deprived of liberty since his arrest on January 28, 2021.